NEWS: Pilot Project to begin September 2017
What is the NCCCAE?
The North Central Canada Centre of Arts and Environment (NCCCAE) is a working title for a community development initiative in the Flin Flon/Creighton/Denare Beach area, on the border of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Canada.
To read our Terms of Reference, with detailed information about this concept and project, click here.
Mission: To build a North Central Canada Centre of Arts and Environment (NCCCAE) that will support and enrich our communities.
- To create a vibrant professional art centre that supports artistic and creative development for north central Canada and beyond. The centre will offer programming to foster artistic development, community-building, and creative expression.
- To become a centre of academic excellence for the arts and environment in north central Canada. This will enrich our communities by drawing dedicated professionals and students, while stimulating economic diversification and investment in our region.
- To design a combined art centre/academic institution which will be sustainable for, and well integrated with, both the natural environment and the communities (inspired by the successful model of The Banff Centre).
- To build an institution that will take a leading role in Canada’s northern arts and culture, and engage in sound Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal exploration of arts and culture, while promoting this knowledge on national and international levels.
- To gain support for this project through awareness, information and sharing of visions for this community. The team is looking for funding and support for a feasibility study. Support will be sought from key stakeholders, government, industry, business, institutions, organizations, specialty groups, philanthropists and foundations including local, provincial, federal, and international sources (as listed in the Terms of Reference). This will bring an opportunity to accomplish the vision and mission of this project.
Project Timeline:
- Created a Volunteer Task Force and Executive Committee (completed Fall-Winter 2013/2014)
- Developed working goals, plans and directives for the NCCCAE Project (completed Winter 2013/2014)
- Selected a consulting firm (Schick Shiner & Associates) and established a funding goal for feasibility study (May 2014)
- Met funding goal for feasibility study (May 2015)
- Preparing to begin feasibility study (Summer/fall 2015)
- Feasibility study began (led by consulting firm Schick Shiner and Associates with support from local firm Evolve Consulting) & Rick Schick made his preliminary visit to Flin Flon (October 2015)
- Relationship-building and community conversations (ongoing)
- Feasibility study completed 2017
- Presentations to funding partners and general public; feasibility study made available on
- Pilot project planned for September 2017: Golden Spiral Workshop
Next steps:
- Communicate with the public and stakeholders at key points in this process
- Evaluate findings and recommendations from the feasibility study
- Develop and launch Golden Spiral Workshop
- Determine next steps
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